Presidential Memoranda (PM)

PM#TitleDivisionStatusPDF Link
2024-01Workplace Violence Policy and Prevention PlanSupersedes PM 2003-01PDF Icon
2023-04University Space Allocation PolicyValidPDF Icon
2023-03Immunization Compliance PolicyValidPDF Icon
2023-02User Responsible Use PolicyValidPDF Icon
2023-01Reconsideration Procedures For CSUDH Management Personnel Plan (MPP) EmployeesValidPDF Icon
2022-06University Space Committee PolicyValidPDF Icon
2022-05Process For Student Course Evaluations of Faculty Perceived Teaching EffectivenessValidPDF Icon
2022-04Student Success CommitteeValidPDF Icon
2022-03University Operating Fund CarryforwardValidPDF Icon
2022-02University Operating Fund Reserve PolicyValidPDF Icon
2022-01Centers and Institutes Policy and ProcedureSupersedes PM 2020-02PDF Icon
2021-06Campus Public Safety Advisory CommitteeValidPDF Icon
2021-05Information Security and Privacy PolicyITSupersedes PM 2016-01 and 2009-13PDF Icon
2021-04Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)Supersedes PM 2015-04PDF Icon
2021-03Guidelines for Interim MPP AppointmentsValidPDF Icon
2021-02University Sustainability Committee (Revised)ValidPDF Icon
2021-01University Planning CommitteeValidPDF Icon
2020-07Student Success CommitteeSuperseded by PM 2022-04PDF Icon
2020-06Establishment of Endowed Chairs or ProfessorshipsValidPDF Icon
2020-05Gender Equity PrinciplesValidPDF Icon
2020-04Campus Art Advisory CommitteeValidPDF Icon
2020-03Procedures for All MPP Position Campus VisitsValidPDF Icon
2020-02Centers and Institutes Policy and ProcedureAASuperseded by PM 2022-02PDF Icon
2020-01Joint Statement on Shared GovernanceValidPDF Icon
2019-02Use of University Buildings, Facilities, or Grounds and Time, Place and Manner PolicySA,AA,AFSupersedes PM 2018-02PDF Icon
2019-01Management Personnel Plan Performance EvaluationsSupersedes PM 2018-01PDF Icon
2018-03Policy on Lactation and Breastfeeding AccommodationsValidPDF Icon
2018-02Use of University Buildings, Facilities, or Grounds and Time, Place and Manner PolicySA, AA, AFSupersedes PM 1999-04 Section 2, 10, 12, & 13. Superseded by PM 2019-02PDF Icon
2018-01Administrative Review Process for Administrator III & IV PositionsSupersedes PM 1990-08PDF Icon
2017-02Selection and Review of Chairperson/CoordinatorsSuperseded by AA 2022-01PDF Icon
2017-01Coaching Employee Practices Supersedes PM 1980-22PDF Icon
2016-01Information SecurityITSuperseded by PM 2021-05Download PM 2016-01
2015-07International Education Council  ValidDownload PM 2015-07
2015-06International Education External Advisory Board  ValidDownload PM 2015-06
2015-05International Education Working Group  ValidDownload PM 2015-05
2015-04Student Fee Advisory Committee  Superseded by PM 2021-04Download PM 2015-04
2015-03Delegation of Authority to Accept Gifts Valid; Supersedes PM 2012-03Download PM 2015-03
2015-02Policy & Procedures on Financial Conflict of Interest for Sponsored Programs Supersedes PM 2001-09Download PM 2015-02
2015-01Selection and Review of Chairpersons for Departments and Programs Which Constitutes Primary Teaching Service Areas (FPC 14-04)AASuperseded by PM 2017-02Download PM 2015-01
2014-05Student Grade Appeals (EPC/FPC 12-12)  Supersedes PM 1996-02; Superseded by AA 2017-01Download PM 2014-05
2014-04The University Budget CommitteeAFValid; Supersedes PM 2000-03 in partDownload PM 2014-04
2014-03Procedures for Hiring Full-time Academic AdministratorsAFValid; Supersedes PM 2008-01Download PM 2014-03
2014-02Emeritus Tenured Faculty and Emeritus Lecturer and Emeritus Lecturer StatusAAValid; Supersedes PM 2002-05; Supersedes AA 2005-20Download PM 2014-02
2014-01Routing & Responding to Academic Senate Resolutions Valid; Partial revision to PM 09-05Download PM 2014-01
2013-03International Students Valid; Supersedes PM 2009-07Download PM 2013-03
2013-02Study Abroad & Exchange Programs ValidDownload PM 2013-02
2013-01International Agreements ValidDownload PM 2013-01
2012-03Delegation of Authority to Accept Gifts Superseded by PM 15-03
2012-02University Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy including Federal Title IXAFSuperseded by EO 1096 and EO 1097 
2012-01Establishment of a Fee Appeals Committee (FAC)AFValidDownload PM 2012-01
2011-01Animals on CampusAFValid; Supersedes PM 1982-35Download PM 2010-01
2010-01Student Electronic MailITValidDownload PM 2010-01
2009-13CSUDH Information SecurityITUnder Review; Superseded by PM 2016-01
2009-12Use of Information Technology Services & Resources & Electronic Mail Systems or ServicesITSuperseded by PM 2023-02Download PM 2009-12
2009-06Policy on Sexual Assault Superseded by EO 1096 and EO 1097 
2009-05Process for Requesting "New or Revised" Policies & Procedures Valid; Supersedes 2007-05. Partially revised by PM 14-01Download PM 2009-05
2009-03Key PolicyAFValid; Supersedes PM 1982-23 Dated 8/3/82Download PM 2009-03
2009-02Student EmploymentAFValid; Supersedes PM 1981-20, Dated 9/23/81Download PM 2009-02
2009-01Staff Emeritus StatusAFValid; Supersedes PM 1981-15, Dated 7/6/81Download PM 2009-01
2008-04Campus Catering PolicyAFValid; Supersedes PM 1990-03, Dated 3/19/90Download PM 2008-04
2008-03Gift Acceptance PolicyUASuperseded by PM 12-03 & PM 15-03
2008-02Deferred Enrollment PolicySAValidDownload PM 2008-02
2008-01Procedures for Hiring Full-Time Academic Administrator III & IV PositionsAA, AFSuperseded by 2014-03 
2007-05Process for Requesting "New or Revised" Policies & Procedures Outdated
2007-04Procedures for Hiring Full-Time Non-Academic Administrator III & IV PositionsAFValid; Supersedes PM 1989-04 & Amendment #1, PM 1998-07 & PM 01-03Download PM 2007-04
2007-03Student Discrimination/Harassment PolicySA Superseded by EO 1096 and EO 1097 
2007-01Reconsideration Procedure for CSUDH Employees Not Represented by Exclusive Representatives (Revised 1/02/07; References Executive Order 923)AFSuperseded by PM 2023-01Download PM 2007-01
2004-03Sexual Harassment PolicyAFSuperseded by EO 1096 and EO 1097 
2004-02Campus Smoking PolicyAFValid; Supersedes PM 99-04, Section 6Download PM 2004-02
2004-01Student Grievance Procedure (Revised 7/11/06; References Executive Order 970)SAValidDownload PM 2004-01
2003-02Responsibility for Academic Affairs Policies Outdated
2003-01Violence in the WorkplaceAFSuperseded by PM 2024-01Download 2003-01
2002-07Undergraduate Declaration of Major/Minor AASuperseded by AA 2017-08Download PM 2002-07
2002-06Creation of Faculty AwardsAASupersedes PM 2001-05; Superseded by AA 2005-26Download PM 2002-06
2002-05Emeritus Faculty StatusAASuperseded by PM 2014-02Download PM 2002-05
2002-04Undergraduate International Admissions RequirementsAAValidDownload PM 2002-04
2002-03Continuous Attendance in Master's Programs AASuperseded by AA 2006-14Download PM 2002-03
2002-02Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee MembershipAASuperseded by AA 2006-18Download PM 2002-02
2002-01Educational Leave (Planned) Post Baccalaureate StudentAAValidDownload PM 2002-01
2001-10Recombinant DNA Project RegistrationAAValid 
2001-09Policy & Procedures for Dealing with Conflict of Interest in Research & Scholarly ActivityAAValidDownload PM 2001-09
2001-08Policy & Procedures for Dealing with & Reporting Possible Misconduct in ResearchAASuperseded by AA 2005-21Download PM 2001-08
2001-07Teaching Responsibilities & Academic FreedomAASuperseded by AA 2005-25.
2001-06Continuous Attendance in Master's ProgramAFSuperseded by PM 02-03 
2001-05Creation of Faculty AwardsAFSuperseded by PM 02-06 
2001-04Intellectual Property PolicyAAValidDownload PM 2001-04
2001-03Guidelines for Full-time Academic & Administrator III & IV PositionsAFSuperseded by PM 14-03 and AA 2012-04Download PM 2001-03
2001-02Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) Policy AASuperseded by AA 2020-08Download PM 2001-02
2001-01Policy & Procedures for Temporary Faculty Salary Range Elevation Outdated 
2000-06Policy on Certification of Last Date of AttendanceAAValidDownload PM 2000-07
2000-05CSU Dominguez Hills Institutional Review Board PolicyAAValidDownload PM 2000-05
2000-04Policy on Academic AssessmentAAValidDownload PM 2000-04
2000-03Process for Assessment, Strategic Planning, & Resource Allocation (Revised 10/16/03)AA, AFValidDownload PM 2000-03
2000-02University Goals & Objectives ValidDownload PM 2000-02
2000-01University MissionAFValid 
1999-07Establishment of the University Planning CouncilAFValidDownload PM 1999-07
1999-06Faculty Merit Increase ProgramAAOutdatedDownload PM 1999-06
1999-05University Policy on Self-Support Instructional ProgramsAAValidDownload PM 1999-05
1999-04.14Section 14: Unsupervised Minors PolicyAF, SAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.13Section 13: Posting PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.12Section 12: Outdoor Programming Space DesignationSAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.11Section 11: Gambling PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.10Section 10: Free Speech Area PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.9Section 9:  Free Drawing PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.8Section 8:  Dance Policies & ProceduresSAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.7Section 7:  Casino Night PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.6Section 6:  Campus Smoking PolicySASuperseded by PM 04-02
1999-04.5Section 5:  Campus Policy on Alcohol & Substance AbuseAF, SAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.4Section 4:  Campus Event PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.3Section 3:  Anti-Hazing PolicySAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.2Section 2:  Amplified SoundSAValidDownload PM 1999-04
1999-04.1Section 1: Policy on Possession & Consumption of AlcoholAF, SAValid; Supersedes 83-14Download PM 1999-04
1999-04Campus Life PoliciesAF, SAValid; Supersedes 83-14Download PM 1999-04
1999-03Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Revised, 7/31/00)AARevision of 99-03; Supersedes 81-07-8; Superseded by AA 2006-05Download PM 1999-03
1999-02Sexual Harassment PolicyAFSuperseded by 99-02 
1999-01Student Academic Petitions & Appeals CommitteeAASuperseded by AA 2005-02Download PM 1999-01
1998-09University Telephone Policy & GuidelinesITValid; Supersedes 94-04Download PM 1998-09
1998-08Sabbatical Leave Criteria & EvaluationAASuperseded by AA 2005-22Download PM 1998-08
1998-07Guidelines for Search Committees for F-T Academic & Administrator III & IV Positions Valid; adds to "Amendment #1, PM 89-04"Download PM 1998-07
1998-06Policy on the Use of Students as Teaching AssistantsAAValidDownload PM 1998-06
1998-05Membership of General Studies Committee (Revised, 7/31/00)AASuperseded by AA 2007-20Download PM 1998-05
1998-04Program Review Panel Membership (Revised, 7/31/00) Valid; Supersedes 96-06Download PM 1998-04
1998-03Membership of the University RTP CommitteeAAValid; Supersedes 94-01 
1998-02Course Information/SyllabiAAOutdated 
1998-01Emeritus Faculty StatusAA, AFSuperseded by PM 02-05 
1997-01University Budget Development Process Outdated 
1996-07University Curriculum CommitteeAASuperseded by AA 2005-06 
1996-06Program Review PanelAFSupersedes PM 94-02; Superseded by PM 98-04 
1996-05Graduate CouncilAASupersedes 79-23; Superseded by AA 2020-07Download PM 1996-05
1996-04  NOT ISSUED 
1996-03Policy for Scheduling of University Computer LabsITValidDownload PM 1996-03
1996-02Student Grade AppealsAASupersedes 87-01; Superseded by AA 2014-05Download PM 1996-02
1996-01Policy on Sexual AssaultAFSuperseded by 09-06 
1995-03Performance Salary Step Increases Outdated 
1995-02  NOT ISSUED 
1995-01Procedure for Evaluation of Candidates for Honorary DegreesAASuperseded by AA 2005-15Download PM 1995-01
1994-06Attendance at First Class MeetingsAAValid; Supersedes 84-12Download PM 1994-06
1994-05Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Supersedes PM 79-10; Superseded by 2020-08Download PM 1994-05
1994-04University Telephone Policy & GuidelinesAFSuperseded by 98-09 
1994-03General Studies Committee Outdated 
1994-02Program Review PanelAFSuperseded by 96-06 
1994-01Membership of the University RTP CommitteeAFSuperseded by 98-03 
1993-11University AIDS Policies & GuidelinesAFValid; Supersedes 86-11 
1993-10  NOT ISSUED 
1993-09Membership of the University RTP CommitteeAFSuperseded by 98-03 
1993-08Interim Policy-College of Arts & Sciences RTP Committee Outdated 
1993-07Retention of Grade Records Superseded by AA 2005-13Download PM 1993-07
1993-06Membership of the General Studies CommitteeAFSuperseded by 94-01 
1993-05Distinction Between BA & BSAASuperseded by AA 2007-12Download PM 1993-05
1993-04Policy for Discontinuance of Academic Programs Outdated 
1993-03Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) Evaluations for Probationary FacultyAASuperseded by PM 2022-05Download PM 1993-03
1993-02On-Campus Group Potlucks Policy (Misnamed in original index)AFValidDownload PM 1993-02
1993-01Bake Sale & Food Sale PolicyAFValidDownload PM 1993-01
1992-04The Role of the University RTP CommitteeAASuperseded in AA 2012-02Download PM 1992-04
1992-03Policy on Incomplete GradeAAValidDownload PM 1992-03
1992-02Graduation with Honors in the MajorAASuperseded by AA 2007-06Download PM 1992-02
1992-01Time Limits for Graduate Coursework, Thesis, Project, & Examination Superseded by AA 2006-20Download PM 1992-01
1991-07Guidelines for Single Field MajorsAAValidDownload PM 1991-07
1991-06Policy for Minimum Grades in Graduate Program Courses Superseded by AA 2006-25Download PM 1991-06
1991-05Graduate Theses, Projects, & Comprehensive Examinations Policy AASuperseded by AA 2006-22 
1991-04Establishment of the School of HealthAAValidDownload PM 1991-04
1991-03Passing Grade for Courses Used by Graduate Students to Certify the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement AASuperseded by AA 2020-08Download PM 1991-03
1991-02Add & Drop Dates for Academic Courses AAValidDownload PM 1991-02
1991-01Campus Smoking Policy Replaced by Section 6, 99-04 
1990-11Summary of RTP Policies & Procedures Outdated; Supersedes 89-08 
1990-10Interim Campus Policy on Alcohol & Substance AbuseAFSuperseded by PM 99-04, Section 5Download PM 1999-04
1990-09.2Faculty Membership on RSCAAP Award Program Committee, Amendment #1AAValid 
1990-09.1Renaming of RSCAAP Awards ProgramAAValid 
1990-09Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities CommitteeAAValidDownload PM 1990-09
1990-08*Suspended pending a conversation with Academic SenateAFSuspended 
1990-07Change of Grade AASuperseded by AA 2005-16Download PM 1990-07
1990-061990 - Revision of the 1984 Academic Skills Assessment Plan (ASAP)AASuperseded by AA 2020-08Download PM 1990-06
1990-05Departmental Definition of Scholarship & Creative ActivityAASuperseded by AA 2006-07Download PM 1990-05
1990-04Undergraduate Advising PolicyAASuperseded by AA 2013-02Download PM 1990-04
1990-03Campus Catering PolicyAFValidDownload PM 1990-03
1990-02Guidelines for Certificate Programs AAValid; Supersedes 78-05 & 80-14Download PM 1990-02
1990-01University Gift Acceptance Policies & ProceduresUAValidDownload PM 1990-01
1989-19Policy & Procedures for Dealing with and Reporting Possible Misconduct in Science (Interim Policy) ValidDownload PM 1989-19
1989-18Establishment of Commission on Student Publications Outdated 
1989-17Timetable for Recommending Dept ChairsAASuperseded by PM 2017-02Download PM 1989-17
1989-16School of Education Name ChangeAAValidDownload PM 1989-16
1989-15Membership on Faculty Leaves and Honors CommitteeAASuperseded by AA 2006-11Download PM 1989-15
1989-14New Grading PolicyAASuperseded by AA 2005-05Download PM 1989-14
1989-13Special Visitors to the UniversityUAValidDownload PM 1989-13
1989-12Supplemental RTP Guidelines, Statewide Nursing Prog. Faculty Coordinators (Interim Policy) Outdated 
1989-11Suspension of the Collection & Distribution of PTE Norming DataAAValid; Rescinds portions of 84-11Download PM 1989-11
1989-10Staff HandbookAFOutdated
1989-09Annual Review of CoursesAAValidDownload PM 1989-09
1989-08Summary of RTPAFSuperseded by 90-11 
1989-07University Energy ConservationAFValidDownload PM 1989-07
1989-06  NOT ISSUED 
1989-05Two-Year Appointments for New Probationary FacultyAASuperseded by AA 2005-19Download PM 1989-05
1989-04Guidelines for Search Committees Outdated (see PM 98-07)Download PM 1989-04
1989-03Campus Administration ReviewAFSuperseded by 90-08 
1989-02.1Variation in SNP Graduation Dates Outdated 
1989-02Academic Calendar GuidelinesAAValidDownload PM 1989-02
1989-01Coordination of Gift Solicitations & Acceptance Outdated 
1988-11Sexual Harassment PolicyAFSuperseded by 99-02 
1988-10Eligibility for Promotion Outdated 
1988-09Annual MPP Administrator Evaluation Outdated 
1988-08Parking of Occupied Vehicles on Campus Overnight Outdated 
1988-07Interim RTP & PTEAFSuperseded by 89-08 
1988-06.1Change of Grade, Amendment #1AF  
1988-06Change in GradeAFSuperseded by 90-07 
1988-05Student Academic Petitions CommitteeAFSuperseded by 99-01 
1988-04Faculty Office HoursAASuperseded by AA 2005-04Download PM 1988-04
1988-03  VOID 
1988-02Continuous Attendance in Master's ProgramsAA, AFSuperseded by AA 2006-14Download PM 1988-02
1988-01Establishment of Centers, Bureaus, Institutes and Other Special Organizational Units [VOID based on faulty premise - see 79-17] 
1987-21Combination of Geography & Earth Science Into Department of Earth SciencesAAValidDownload PM 1987-21
1987-20Changes in RTPAFSuperseded by 88-07 
1987-19Smoke-Free Work Environment Replaced by 91-01 
1987-18Hazard CommunicationAFValidDownload PM 1987-18
1987-17Modification of Repeat & Cancel PolicyAASuperseded by AA 2007-13Download PM 1987-17
1987-16Course Information/SyllabiAFSuperseded by 98-02 
1987-15Administration of Scholarships NEVER ISSUED 
1987-14University Planning & Resource Allocation Structure & Process Outdated 
1987-13Program Review PanelAFSuperseded by 94-02 
1987-12.2Supplement #2, Revision of MembershipAF  
1987-12.1Supplement #1, Addition to the ChargeAF  
1987-12University Curriculum CommitteeAFSuperseded by 96-07 
1987-11Space Assignment & Use Outdated 
1987-10Budget Principles Outdated 
1987-09External Advisory Committees for Units Within the UniversityUAValidDownload PM 1987-09
1987-08University Publications Outdated 
1987-07Handling Cases of Student Conduct Requiring Disciplinary ActionSAValid 
1987-06.1Supplement #1, Instructional Media Faculty RTP Criteria AA  
1987-06University Library Faculty RTP Policies, Procedures and CriteriaAAOutdated
1987-05Strengthening the First Level of RTP Review of Scholarly, Research, or Creative ActivityAAValidDownload PM 1987-05
1987-04CollegialityAAValidDownload PM 1987-04
1987-03Election Procedures for the URTP Committee Outdated 
1987-02Sexual Harassment PolicyAFSupersedes 85-09; Superseded by 88-11 
1987-01Student Grievances & Grade AppealsAFSuperseded by 96-02 
1986-11AIDS Policy & ProceduresAFSuperseded by 93-11 
1986-10Perceived Teaching Effectiveness Interim Policy for 1986-87 Outdated - "Interim Policy Revised" 
1986-09Vice Presidential Participation in RTP ProcessAAValidDownload PM 1986-09
1986-08Administrative Appointments & ReviewAFValid; Rescinds 78-24, 78-32 & sections of 83-20Download PM 1986-08
1986-07Student Disciplinary Review Board Supersedes 77-29; Outdated-EO 628 
1986-06Administrative Reorganization Outdated 
1986-05Resolution of Repeat & CancelAFSuperseded by 87-17 
1986-04.1Revised Timetable for MPP Awards   
1986-04MPP Award Outdated 
1986-03University Energy Conservation PolicyAFSuperseded by 89-07 
1986-02Appointing Employees to Teach on an Overload Basis Outdated 
1986-01Guidelines for the Academic CalendarAFSupersedes 81-02; Superseded by 89-02 
1985-11Change in RTP PolicyAASuperseded by AA 2006-06Download PM 1985-11
1985-10PlagiarismAAValidDownload PM 1985-10
1985-09Sexual HarassmentAFSuperseded by 87-02 
1985-08Distribution Lists Outdated 
1985-07Future Search Committee Requirements Amendment #1AFSuperseded by 89-04 
1985-06Up-to-Date Resume Requirements for Future Faculty Personnel Actions ValidDownload PM 1985-06
1985-05Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 85-08 
1985-04Amendments to the Ethics CodeAAValidDownload PM 1985-04
1985-03Layoff ProceduresAFValid; Rescinds 79-05Download PM 1985-03
1985-02Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 85-05 
1985-01Office hoursAFSuperseded by 88-04 
1984-15Reconsideration Procedure for CSUDH Employees Not Represented by Exclusive RepresentativesAFValidDownload PM 1984-15
1984-14Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 85-02 
1984-13Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 84-14 
1984-12Attendance at First Class MeetingsAFSuperseded by 94-06 
1984-11PTE Revisions Outdated - "Portions" rescinded by 89-11. 
1984-10Post-Baccalaureate & Graduate Admission RequirementsAASuperseded by AA 2006-28Download PM 1984-10
1984-09Lyle E. Gibson Distinguished Teaching Award and Outstanding Professor AwardAASuperseded by AA 2004-09PDF Icon
1984-08Role of Computers in the University Outdated 
1984-07University Foundation Investment Policy Outdated 
1984-06Admission Requirements to the Basic Credential Programs AAValidPDF Icon
1984-05Repeat & Cancel for Disciplinary GradesAASuperseded by AA 2005-12Download PM 1984-05
1984-04Award of Second and Additional Baccalaureate DegreesAAValidPDF Icon
1984-03Revision of the Program Review Process Outdated 
1984-02Language for RTP EvaluationAAValid 
1984-01Credit by Examination Procedures Outdated 
1983-25Independent Study ProceduresAAValidDownload PM 1983-25
1983-24Student Member on Teaching Awards Committee ValidDownload PM 1983-24
1983-23Credit/No Credit Grades for Graduate StudentsAASuperseded by AA 2006-26 
1983-22University Union Governing Board Outdated 
1983-21Foundation Policy: Support for Faculty Research Outdated 
1983-20Structure & Functioning of the Administration Supersedes 82-13; Outdated 
1983-19CSUDH Foundation Goals Outdated 
1983-18Advanced Step Appointments & Special Merit Salary Adjustments Outdated 
1983-17Membership on Faculty Leaves & Honors CommitteeAFSuperseded by 89-15 
1983-16Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 84-13 
1983-15Hearing Officers for Student Discipline Cases Outdated - Executive Order 628 
1983-14University Policy on the Possession & Consumption of Beer & WineAFSupersedes 78-08; "Replaced" by 99-04, Section 1 
1983-13Questions to be Used in the PTE Forms & Amendment #1AAValid 
1983-12Academic Calendar Outdated 
1983-11Marketing Strategies for CSUDH Outdated 
1983-10Policies & Procedures - RTP for Educational Resources FacultyAFSuperseded by 87-08 
1983-09Withdrawal from RTP ConsiderationAAValidDownload PM 1983-09
1983-08Graduate-Level Writing Competency Requirement Outdated 
1983-07Telecommunications Policy Outdated 
1983-06Academic Calendar 1984-85 Outdated 
1983-05Procedures for Nomination of Faculty Trustee CandidatesAASuperseded by AA 2020-06Download PM 1983-05
1983-04Threats to Faculty & Staff by Students Outdated 
1983-03Services for Students with Disabilities Incomplete & Outdated 
1983-02Student Disciplinary Review Board Superseded by 86-07 
1983-01Smoke Free Work Environment Outdated 
1982-40Inclusion of Material in Personnel File Outdated 
1982-39Dominguez Hills 8-Point Plant for Cooperative Schools/University Efforts (in the Area of Preparation for College). Outdated 
1982-38Changes in Procedures for Removal, Correction or Clarification of Information in the Personnel File Outdated 
1982-37Leaves with Pay Outdated - Unit 3 Contract 
1982-36Policy Statement Termination "Vacates" 77-10; Rescinded & 77-10 Reinstated 
1982-35Animals at Large on CampusAFSuperseded by PM 2011-01PDF Icon
1982-34University Energy Conservation Policy Outdated 
1982-33Definition of Materials in Personnel Files Outdated 
1982-32Eligibility to Nominate, Vote for, and Serve on the URTP Committee Outdated 
1982-31Active Student Participation in the RTP ProcessAAOutdated 
1982-30Responsibility for Uni. Foundation Activities Outdated 
1982-29Policy on Fingerprinting of EmployeesAFValidPDF Icon
1982-28Distribution Lists "Void" (Superseded by 83-16) 
1982-27Support for International Education at CSUDHAAValidPDF Icon
1982-26Curriculum Review Process Outdated 
1982-25Planning Assumptions Outdated 
1982-24Academic Calendar 1983-84 Outdated 
1982-23Revised Key Control Policy & ProceduresAFValidPDF Icon
1982-22General Studies Double-Counting in the Minor Outdated 
1982-21Selection of Trustees' Outstanding Professor Award Nominee Outdated 
1982-20PTE ProceduresAAOutdated
1982-19Periodic Review of Administrators Outdated - Refs. to CAAR rescinded by 86-08 
1982-18Priority Order for Ranking for Promotion Outdated - United 3 Contract 
1982-17Promotion Evaluations of Department Chairs Up for Retention, Tenure or Promotion Outdated 
1982-16Personnel Procedures for Student Affairs Officers Outdated-Unit 3 Contract 
1982-15Residence Requirements for a Second Major Outdated 
1982-14Workload Calculation for Faculty Effort Outside The "Home Department" Outdated 
1982-13Structure and Functioning of the AdministrationAFSuperseded by 83-20 
1982-12Gift Acceptance & Acknowledgement Procedures Outdated 
1982-11Responsibilities of Academic Senates with Collective Bargaining AAValidPDF Icon
1982-10Procedure for Certification of Academic Employees to Continue Employment Beyond Mandatory Retirement Age Outdated 
1982-09Repetition of Challenged Courses Outdated 
1982-08Guidelines for Campus Land Use Outdated 
1982-07Residency Requirement for the MinorAASuperseded by AA 2007-04PDF Icon
1982-06Deans' Concurrence & Dissent in RTP Procedures AAValidPDF Icon
1982-05Academic Calendar 1982-83 Outdated 
1982-04Eligibility for RTP Committee Membership Outdated 
1982-03Course & Materials Fee Outdated 
1982-02Financial Control of Expenditures Outdated 
1982-01.1[This is misnamed - should be "Distribution Lists"] Outdated 
1982-01Deans & Department Chairs Supersedes 80-04, 80-20 & 81-16 
1981-23Policy & Procedures for Charge BacksAFSuperseded by 82-13PDF Icon
1981-22Coaching Track Faculty as Members of the General FacultyAAValidPDF Icon
1981-20Revised Policies & Procedures for Student EmploymentAFValidPDF Icon
1981-19Undergraduate Program Balance Outdated 
1981-18Composition of Graduate Thesis CommitteesAASuperseded by AA 2006-19PDF Icon
1981-17Prohibition of Sexual HarassmentAFSuperseded by 85-09 
1981-16Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 82-01 
1981-15Staff Emeritus StatusAFValidPDF Icon
1981-14.1RTP Procedures for Education ResourcesAF(Correction to 81-14) Superseded by 83-10 
1981-14RTP Procedures for Education ResourcesAFSuperseded by 83-10 
1981-13State Agency Open Meeting Act "Replacement" for 80-24; Outdated 
1981-12CSUDH Affirmative Action Plan 1980-81 Outdated 
1981-11Withholding a Merit Salary Adjustment Outdated 
1981-10Credit/No Credit GradesAASuperseded by AA 2005-18PDF Icon
1981-09The Renaissance Quarter, Fall 1981 Outdated 
1981-08Procedure Used by Deans w/Respect to Evaluation of Tenured FacultyAFSuperseded by 99-03 
1981-07Evaluation of Tenured FacultyAFSuperseded by 99-03 
1981-06Facilities & Space Use Policies & Procedures Outdated 
1981-05Faculty HandbookAAValidPDF Icon
1981-04Academic Calendar 1981-82 Outdated 
1981-03Alternative Forms of CreditAASuperseded by AA 2007-11PDF Icon
1981-02Guidelines for the Academic CalendarAFSuperseded by 86-01 
1981-01Policy Concerning MUR Charges & Co-Sponsorship Outdated 
1980-26Amendment to Faculty By-Laws: Statewide Academic Senate Alternate Outdated 
1980-25Policy Concerning WTU-Generating Faculty Workload During Academic Holidays Outdated 
1980-24State Agency Open Meeting ActAFSuperseded by 81-13 
1980-23Structure & Functioning of the AdministrationAFSuperseded by 82-13 
1980-22Coaching Track Personnel PracticesAASuperseded by PM 2017-01
1980-21Student Grievances & Grade Appeal Appeal Superseded by 87-01 
1980-20Distribution Lists Superseded by 81-16 
1980-19Curricular Review Process for Extended EducationAAValidDownload PDF
1980-18Evaluation of Released/Assigned Time Activities in the RTP ProcessAASuperseded by AA 2006-03Download PDF
1980-17Approval Process for RTP Guidelines Adopted By a School or Equivalent Unit Outdated 
1980-16Presidential Action-Recommendation from Academic Senate-EmeritiAFValid, except paragraph #1 superseded by 02-05Download PDF
1980-15Special MinorAAValidDownload PDF
1980-14Guidelines for Approval & Review of Certificate Programs Superseded by 90-02 
1980-13School, Department & Program Advisory CommitteesAAValid; (List of 1982 Committees - Outdated)Download PM 1980-13
1980-12Calculating & Reporting of Faculty Workload Outdated 
1980-11Course Numbering SystemAAValid; Supersedes 78-26Download PM 1980-11
1980-10Mission & Goals of CSU Dominguez Hills - April 1980 Outdated 
1980-09.1Correction to Academic Calendar 1980-1981 Outdated 
1980-09Academic Calendar 1980-1981 Outdated 
1980-08Alternative GradingAASuperseded by AA 2005-24Download PM 1980-08
1980-07Procedures for Requesting a Program Change Proposal Outdated 
1980-06Responsibilities of Departmental & School RTP EvaluatorsAAValidDownload PM 1980-06
1980-05Revised Scholarship PolicyAAValidDownload PM 1980-05
1980-04Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 80-20 
1980-03Use of CSUDH Buildings & GroundsAFValidDownload PM 1980-03
1980-02Foundation Charges Policy Outdated 
1980-01Resource Administration Outdated 
1979-32Recognition of University Faculty & Staff Orgs.AFValidDownload PM 1979-32
1979-31.3(Part II = Procedural)AA  
1979-31.2II - Policy on Leaves and Honors CommitteeAA  
1979-31.1(Part I = Confidentiality)AA  
1979-31I - Codes of Ethics in Personnel & Review ProcessesAA, AFValid; Amended by 85-04Download PM 1979-31
1979-30Curricular Review "Subsumed" by 82-26 
1979-29Evaluation of Temporary Full - Time Faculty Outdated - Unit 3 Contract 
1979-28Procedures for the Coaching Track Superseded by 80-22 
1979-27Staff Member on Academic SenateAAValidDownload PM 1979-27
1979-26Structure & Functioning of the AdministrationAFSupersedes 77-01, 78-28; Superseded by 80-23 
1979-25Appointment of Faculty with Academic Administrative Assignments Outdated 
1979-24Code of Fair Practice of CSU Dominguez Hills Outdated 
1979-23The Graduate CouncilAFSuperseded by 96-05 
1979-22Interim Appointments ValidDownload PM 1979-22
1979-21Undergraduate Education at CSUDH Outdated 
1979-20Access Regulations - Campus Rules and Procedures Outdated 
1979-19Work Submitted to More than One CourseAAValidDownload PM 1979-19
1979-18Delegation of Authority Outdated 
1979-17Approval & Review of Centers and Institutes Supersedes 77-07; Outdated - EO 751 
1979-16Eligibility for RTP Committee Membership Outdated - Unit 3 Contract 
1979-15Extended Education Outdated 
1979-14Mission of the Small College Outdated 
1979-13Requirements for the Second BaccalaureateAAValidDownload PM 1979-13
1979-12Credit for Remediation Outdated 
1979-11Policies & Procedures for Protection of Human Subjects Outdated 
1979-10Competency in Writing Superseded by 94-05 
1979-09Composition of University RTP Committee Outdated - Unit 3 Contract 
1979-08Procedures - Committee on Administrative Appointments and Review Rescinded by 86-08 
1979-07Student Teacher & Intern Assignment for Teacher Strikes AAValidDownload PM 1979-07
1979-06Academic Calendar 1979-1980 Outdated 
1979-05.1Procedure, Part B-Supplement to 79-05   

Procedure for Allocation of Personnel Resources of Layoff. Part A

 Rescinded by 85-03 
1979-04Educational Master Plan of the University Outdated 
1979-03.3Revision #4 Outdated 
1979-03.2Revision #3 Outdated 
1979-03.1Revision #2 Outdated 
1979-03Amendment - Time Interval for the Review of Administrative Positions ValidDownload PM 1979-03
1979-02.4Review of Administrative Positions Outdated 
1979-02.3Supplement to #2 Outdated 
1979-02.2Change in TSA Nomenclature Outdated 
1979-02.1Supplement #1 Outdated 
1979-02Definition of Teaching Service Areas Outdated 
1979-01Assignment to Teaching Service Areas Outdated 
1978-34Addition to the Curricular Review Process Supplement to 78-04; "Subsumed" by 79-30 
1978-33Grading Policy Outdated 
1978-32Selection of School Deans Replaces 78-25; Rescinded by 86-08 
1978-31Committee on the Bookstore Outdated 
1978-30Eligibility for Consideration for PromotionAAValidDownload PM 1978-30
1978-29Administration of ScholarshipsAA, AFValidDownload PM 1978-29
1978-28Structure & Functioning of the AdministrationAFSuperseded by 79-26, 80-23 
1978-27Academic Senate Structure Outdated 
1978-26Course Numbering SystemAFSuperseded by 80-11 
1978-25Selection of School DeansAFSuperseded by 78-32 
1978-24Evaluation Process for Academic Administrative Appointees Rescinded by 86-08 
1978-23Naming of Buildings, Rooms Numbering & Campus Signage Outdated 
1978-22CD Grades Rescinded 
1978-21Unclassified Post-Baccalaureate Students with Undefined StatusAASuperseded by AA 2006-24Download PM 1978-21
1978-20Criteria for Selection of Persons for the Lyle E. Gibson AwardAASuperseded by AA 2004-09Download PM 1978-20
1978-19Voting Rights of F-T Faculty with TSAs in a DepartmentAFSuperseded by Unit 3 Contract 
1978-18Honors for Student Completing the Baccalaureate Degree AASuperseded by AA 2007-06Download PM 1978-18
1978-17Credit by Examination for UG & GR StudentsAASuperseded by AA 2007-09Download PM 1978-17
1978-16Chairpersons & Members-Interdisciplinary Program CommitteeAAValidDownload PM 1978-16
1978-15Selection & Review of Chair - Departments & ProgramsAAAmended by 89-17; Superseded by PM 2017-02Download PM 1978-15
1978-14Handicapped Student Grievance ProcedureSAValid; Replaces 77-31Download PM 1978-14
1978-13Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual PreferenceAFSuperseded by EO 1096 and EO 1097 
1978-12Eligibility for Consideration for Early PromotionAAValidDownload PM 1978-12
1978-11Early TenureAAValidDownload PM 1978-11
1978-10Course Repetition at Previous Institution Outdated 
1978-09The University & a Small College Outdated 
1978-08University Policy on Possession & Consumption of Beer or WineAFSuperseded by 83-14 
1978-07Teaching Award Name Change Outdated 
1978-06Academic Calendar 1978-1979 Outdated 
1978-05Certificate ProgramsAFSuperseded by 80-14 
1978-04Undergraduate Special MajorAAValidDownload PM 1978-04
1978-03Role & Responsibilities of University Transportation Committee Outdated (existing committee differs) 
1978-02Recognition of Uni. Faculty & Staff Orgs.AFSuperseded by 79-32 
1978-01Curricular Review Process Supplemented by 78-34; Subsumed by 79-30 
1977-37MA/MS Special Major  AASuperseded by AA 2006-23Download PM 1977-37
1977-36Modified Work Week Outdated 
1977-35Academic Master Plan Outdated 
1977-34NOT ISSUED   
1977-33Amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws Outdated 
1977-32Appt. & Eval. Procedure- F-T Persons on Coaching TrackAFSuperseded by 80-22 
1977-31Grievance Procedure About Discrimination Against HandicappedAFSuperseded by 78-14 
1977-30Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Outdated (based on quarter system) 
1977-29Student Disciplinary ProceduresAFSuperseded by 83-02 
1977-28Distribution ListsAFSuperseded by 80-04 
1977-27New Grading PolicyAFSuperseded by 89-14 
1977-26Constitution of General Faculty Outdated 
1977-25Provisions w/Firearms for Campus Peace Officers Outdated 
1977-24Appointment of Student Assistant Personnel Board and Change in Composition Outdated 
1977-23Facilities & Space PolicyAFSuperseded by 81-06 
1977-22Deferment of Collection of Fees at RegistrationAF, SAValidDownload PM 1977-22
1977-21Policies of the Unified Affirmative Action Committee Outdated 
1977-20Report - Phase I Design Committee of University College Outdated 
1977-19Statement of Procedures Concerning Implementation of Continuing Education UnitAAValidDownload PM 1977-19
1977-18Appointment of the College Outdated 
1977-17The Small College Outdated 
1977-16Operating Conditions for Academic Programs in "Common Ground" (Uni College) and Beyond or Between Schools Outdated (Uni College no longer exists) 
1977-15Full-time Lecturers - Appointment & ReviewAAOutdated
1977-14Honors-at-Entrance Outdated 
1977-13Appointment Process for Coaching Track FacultyAFSuperseded by 80-22 
1977-12Outstanding Professor Award-Selection ProcessAFSuperseded by 82-21 
1977-11Selection of Heads of Various Academic UnitsAFSuperseded by 78-16 
1977-10Statement on Government of Colleges & UniversitiesAAValid (Vacated by 82-36, but Rescinded)  
1977-09PTE Forms-School of Education & Experiential Education Outdated 
1977-08RTP - School Committee LettersAFSuperseded by Unit 3 Contract 
1977-07Establishment of Centers, Institutes, & Similar StructuresAFSuperseded by 79-17 
1977-06Commencement ResponsibilityAASuperseded by AA 2005-08Download PM 1977-06
1977-05Faculty ResponsibilityAASuperseded by AA 2005-09Download PM 1977-05
1977-04Academic Calendar 1977-1978 Outdated 
1977-03Communication with the College Community Outdated 
1977-02College Policy on the Possession of Beer & WineAF Superseded by 78-08 
1977-01Structure & Functioning of the Central AdministrationAFSuperseded by 78-28, 80-23 
1976-03Progress Report - Reorganization Outdated 
1976-02WASC Accreditation Visit Outdated 
1976-01Administrative Appointments Outdated